Quick Tour of PubHTML5
Powerful Flipbook Creator
We know that blog plays an important role in advertising our product and service. Multiple small and medium businesses have realized that and uploaded their online content on it. PUB HTML5, the leading PDF to flipbook WordPress converter, equips itself to create compatible WordPress plugins.More Amazing Examples Created by PubHTML5
Exploration of PUB HTML5 for WordPress Plugins
1. Competent Navigation
Sometimes, enterprises would involve many aspects of the company product into the flipbook. Then how can your visitors find out the targeted page in no time if your digital flipbook contains a large number of pages? A delightful Table of Content may best solve the problem for your flipbook. Visitors can just search in your TOC, and click to the right page without turning the flipbook page by page. You can even use PUB HTML5 to output the TOC for next time use quickly and easily.
2. Online Book Management
After you have created a batch of flipbooks, you would find Online Book Management very useful. PUB HTML5 allows you to publish your content to Flipbook Cloud for management. You are able to carry out many different functions. For instance, you can set the basic information for your online cloud. You can get the message your visitors leave on your flipbook and deal with your online billing invoice. For more details, you can go to the website.
3. Across Diverse Platforms
The flipbook you create can work on multiple platforms including PC, PAD, and Android devices. When you publish your flipbook to local, you will find several output formats like HTML, ZIP, and EXE. Choose one of the versions according to your requirement. You can display your flipbook on diverse platforms and need not change the screen scale, because of the powerful compatibility.